
Dave Neale
1-6 players
60 minutes
Ravensburger, 2021

echoes is a co-operative audio mystery game. Using the free app, players listen to mysterious noises and voices that are connected to the playing material. Together they look for hints in the sound bites to bring the story parts in order and solve the case.

In more detail, your task is to assemble the 24 parts of the story in the right order; each part is represented by an object — either a game board or a card — and its associated echo. The entire story is divided into six chapters, with each chapter being represented by a game board. By scanning the objects with the app, you'll hear the echo connected with each object, and by using conversations and noises in the echo, you try to figure out which three object cards are associated with a chapter and in which order they should be placed. If you're not correct, the app will inform you which cards are incorrect or in the wrong place; if you are correct, you can listen to the entire chapter all at once — and you should since new, additional hints can then be heard.

The objects themselves also provide you with clues from time to time, so neglect no details.

Matt says

Echoes is my first hybrid board game, combining cards with an app which can play sounds representing memories of those objects. I was inspired by deduction video games like Return of the Obra Dinn, and wondered whether you could do something similar with a physical game. I was also fascinated about sound as an underused element in narrative games, and wanted to have an experience centred on it. Dave and I have been very lucky to work with Ravensburger on this, especially with their expertise in producing and recording the various voice actors and sound effects, resulting in a really special experience.

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